Monday, November 9, 2009

Fun in the fall

To start out with.....yes, I actually walked around our neighborhood dressed like a tree in case you could not tell what I was supposed to be. Tim was dressed like a tourist, with a pillow for a gut, socks with sandals, sunscreen on his nose and camera around his neck! The kids begged us to dress up with them...Kaden told me I was not too old to dress up! The kids were similar to what they were last year......super Kaden, super Joey, and cute little fairy princesses.

The kids also had fun "helping" is carve a pumpkin and they wanted to make sure we carved a happy pumpkin!


The Martins said...

Oh my goodness. That family halloween shot cracks me up.

Theresa said...

YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!! OH my goodness, did not know "it" had that capability! You are quite the good sport!